
Cinderloo May Day walk

The Cinderloo Riots of 1821 were a series of protests by colliers and iron workers in the Coalbrookdale coal field, who were struggling with low wages and poor working conditions.  The protests culminated in a violent clash with the authorities, leaving several dead and many more injured. Tom Palin was subsequently hung for the part... Continue Reading →

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The Slag Spotter’s Guide

The why, what, where, when and how of Telford's slags By Andrew Naylor Published as part of the launch of Touch Telford, The Slag Spotter's Guide will be a series of investigations to look at how Telford came to be, why it came to be and what it could become. It will appeal to anyone... Continue Reading →

The People’s history of Telford #TouchTelford

Telford has a short history (53 years) but was built on a location whose history goes back to the beginnings of time. The custodians of our history have curated it most notably at the Ironbridge Gorge Museum and at the county archives in Shrewsbury. Their curation tells only part of the story and this project aims to tell the story from the ground beneath our feet upwards.

Farewell Tom

On Wednesday evening 7th April 2021, it was the 200th anniversary of the hanging of Thomas Palin at the Dana Prison, Shrewsbury for felonious riot and his part in the Cinderloo Uprising in Dawley in February of 1821. To commemorate this, a small socially distanced team of Pete Jackson, Dave Jackson, Andrew Howe and Linda... Continue Reading →

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